by MD SAIFUL ISLAM | Jun 12, 2024 | Pest Control, Uncategorized
যে পতঙ্গটি দেখলে প্রায়শই মেয়েরা অনেকটা ভয়ার্ত চিৎকারে দিক বিদিক লাফাতে থাকেন তার নাম হলো তেলাপোকা। ইংরেজীতে যাকে বলা হয় cockroach। এই তেলাপোকার কিন্তু বৈজ্ঞানিক আলাদা একটা নামও রয়েছে – Periplaneta Americana । আর্থ্রোপোডা পর্বের এই প্রাণীটি নিয়ে কতোটা জানি...
by MD SAIFUL ISLAM | Apr 19, 2023 | Bed Bugs Control
As a vibrant city with a dense population, Dhaka presents unique challenges when it comes to maintaining a clean home and staying safe from bugs. However, with the right strategies and a proactive approach, it’s possible to keep your living space tidy and...
by MD SAIFUL ISLAM | Apr 8, 2023 | Pest Control
In summer Pest problem in dhaka increases a lot. The sweltering summer months in Dhaka bring heat and humidity and an unwelcome surge in pest populations. From mosquitoes to rodents, these uninvited guests can make life uncomfortable for the city’s residents....
by MD SAIFUL ISLAM | Mar 20, 2023 | Pest Control
In the competitive world of pest control, a company must stand out by providing exceptional service, expert knowledge, and customer satisfaction. SM Pest Control has consistently proven itself as the best pest control company, earning the trust of countless clients....
by MD SAIFUL ISLAM | Mar 19, 2023 | Pest Control
Uttara, a thriving residential and commercial area in Dhaka, Bangladesh, offers a high standard of living to its residents. However, the urban landscape and favorable conditions also attract a variety of pests. To address these unwanted guests, numerous pest control...