Are you looking for the Best Experienced Pest control service provider in Bangladesh?

সেরা মূল্যে সেরা সার্ভিসটি নিতে ফ্রি যোগাযোগ করুন, ধন্যবাদ।

আমরাই কেন?

আমরা নিশ্চিত করছি পোকামাকড় এর আক্রমণ থেকে সম্পুর্ন পরিত্রান এর নিশ্চয়তা ।

বাংলাদেশের সেরা পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস এর সাথে উপভোগ করুন পোকামাকড় মুক্ত আবাসস্থল ও অফিস । সেবা নিতে এখনি বুকিং করুন আর পোকামাকড় এর দূর্ভোগ কে বিদায় জানান। আমাদের প্রফেশনাল টিম আপনাকে যে কোন ধরনের পোকামাকড় এর উপদ্রপ থেকে ১০০% সুরক্ষা প্রদান করবে


Best Pest Control Services in Dhaka | Pest Control in Bangladesh

Pest Control Dhaka | Pest Control Services in BD

Pest Control Services in Bangladesh – SM Pest Control

Local Experts in Pest Control Services in Dhaka | Best Pest Control Services

  1. Ensure Safety
  2. Best Quality Service
  3. Ensure to remove Pest from Your Home,Office & Industry In sha Allah

SM Pest Control: Our Pest Control Services BD Will STOP Your Pest Problems Today!!!

SM Pest Control Dhaka is a renowned pest control service provider in Bangladesh. SM Pest Control has been providing pest control services for the last 32 years in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet. If you have pest-related problems, and are looking for Cockroaches Control Service, Termites Control Service, Bed Bugs Control Service, Rodent Control Service, Mosquito Control Service, Ant Control Service, Flies Control Service, feel free and contact with us we are here to assist you. We provide residential, commercial, and industrial pest control services to keep pests away from your properties. You can trust on us to deal with any pest problems within your area.

বাংলাদেশ সরকার অনুমোদিত :

১৯৯০ সাল থেকে আমরা বাংলাদেশে অত্যন্ত সুনামের সাথে পোকা-মাকর দমনের সেবা দিয়ে আসছি। পোকামাকড় দমনে আমরা ব্যাবহার করি পরিবেশ বান্ধব উন্নতমানের কেমিক্যাল যা আমরা আমদানি করি ইংল্যান্ড, চিন, জার্মান ও ভারত থেকে। আমাদের রয়েছে অভিজ্ঞ একদল টেকনিশিয়ান ও pest control specialist. পোকামাকড় সংক্রান্ত আপনার যে কোন সমস্যা আমরা গ্যারান্টি দিয়ে সমাধান করে দিব ।আমরা সারা বাংলাদেশের যে কোন জায়গায় যে কোন বাড়ি, অফিস, হাসপাতাল, রেস্টুরেন্ট, গুডাউন, ওয়্যার হাউজ, আবাসিক হোটেল ইত্যাদিতে ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সহকারে ছাড়পোকা, তেলাপোকা, উইপোকা, ইদুর ও মাছি সহ সকল প্রকার পোকামাকর দমন করি।

আমরা ঢাকাসহ বাংলাদেশের যেকোনো স্থানে পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সেবা প্রদান করে থাকি

আপনি কি তেলাপোকা, উইপোকা, ছারপোকা, ইঁদুর, মশা, মাছি, পিঁপড়া, সাপ এবং অন্যান্য পোকামাকড়ের আক্রমণের কারণে বিপর্যস্ত? 

আমরা আমাদের বাসায়, কর্মস্থলে, ব্যবসায়িক প্রতিষ্ঠান বা অফিসে অনেক  তেলাপোকা, ইঁদুর,সাপ এবং বিভিন্ন প্রকার কীট-পতঙ্গের আক্রমণের সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হচ্ছি।  এই বিপর্যস্ততা আমাদের স্বাভাবিকভাবেই ক্ষতি করছে। তাই, এগুলো নির্মূল করা অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ । এস এম পেস্ট কন্টোল- ১৯৯০ সাল থেকে অত্যন্ত সুনামের সাথে পোকামাকড় নিয়ন্ত্রণের সেবা প্রদান করে আসছে, আলহামদুলিল্লাহ। 

পোকামাকড় নিয়ন্ত্রণ বা দমনের জন্য, আমরা আদর্শমানের এবং পরিবেশবান্ধব রাসায়নিক ব্যবহার করে থাকি। আমাদের দক্ষ পেশাদাররা এই বিষয়ে অত্যধিক দক্ষ এবং আপনার সমস্যার সমাধান উপযুক্ত দক্ষতার সাথে প্রদান করতে প্রস্তুত, ইন শা আল্লাহ। 

আমরা বিভিন্ন পোকামাকড়ের সমাধান গ্যারান্টির সাথে প্রদান করি। আমরা গ্যারান্টি সহকারে  বাড়ি,হাসপাতাল, গার্মেন্টস,অফিস,গোডাউন, আবাসিক হোটেল, ফার্মাসিউটিকেল ইত্যাদি সেবা প্রদান করে থাকি।

বর্তমানে বাংলাদেশে কীট-পতঙ্গ নিয়ন্ত্রণের জন্য বেশ কিছু প্রতিষ্ঠান সেবা প্রদান করছে, যার মধ্যে “এস এম পেস্ট কন্টোল ” [Sm Pest Control] একটি অত্যন্ত সম্মানিত এবং প্রশংসনীয় নাম। তারা কর্মক্ষেত্রে অত্যন্ত সুনামের সাথে এবং অভাবনীয় সফলতার সাথে অগ্রসর হয়েছে, যা একটি প্রশংসার দাবীদার।  আমরা এই ধরণের সার্ভিস নিব নিব বলে ভাবতেছি, বা আমাদের প্রয়োজনীয়তা অনুভব করছি। আপনাদের কাছে আমাদের অনুরোধ একবার হলেও Sm Pest Control এর সার্ভিসটি আপনাদের ট্রাই করে দেখুন, ইন শা আল্লাহ। 


পরিষ্কার এবং পরিচ্ছন্ন একটি পরিবেশে বিচরণ করুন, আপনার স্বাস্থ্য সম্পর্কে সাবধান থাকুন, এবং আমাদের দেশটি সৌন্দর্যময় হোক। পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সেবা বাংলাদেশে তেলাপোকা, ছারপোকা, উইপোকা, ইঁদুর, মাছি, টিকটিকি এবং মশা সহ সকল কীটপতঙ্গের নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং বিমুক্তির জন্য সেবা প্রদান করে। আপনার আত্মবিশ্বাস আমাদের ভবিষ্যতের পথে একটি অনুপ্রেরনা।

Pest Control Dhaka | Pest Control BD: Our Services

তেলাপোকা দমন সার্ভিস ঢাকা Cockroaches Control Dhaka

Cockroach Control Service in Dhaka

SM Pest Control Services is the top choice for cockroach control in Dhaka. Our skilled team uses safe, new techniques to eliminate these pesky bugs from your home or office. We know how bothersome cockroaches can be, so we aim to solve your problem quickly and effectively anytime you need us. We use high-tech tools and cockroach control methods to ensure your place is free from cockroaches, helping you live or work in a cleaner, safer environment. Try SM Pest Control Services Dhaka and enjoy a cockroach-free space. We promise excellent service, complete bug removal, and total satisfaction

ইদুর দমন সার্ভিস Rodent Control Dhaka

Rodent Control service in Dhaka

SM Pest Control Services always best solution for rodent control in Dhaka. Our proficient team employs safe and up-to-date strategies to eliminate these disruptive pests from your residential or commercial spaces. We recognize the distress rodents can inflict, which is why we provide prompt and effective services at any hour. Using proven rodent control tactics, we guarantee a rodent-free surrounding, fostering a clean and secure business and warehouse, resturents, Small Shops for you. As Dhaka’s leading rodent pest control service, SM Pest Control Services ensures a comfortable and pest-free habitat.
উইপোকা দমন সার্ভিস Termite Control Dhaka

Termite Control service in Dhaka

SM Pest Control Services is the best option for termite control in Dhaka. Our skilled team uses safe, new methods to remove this harmful termite from your property. We understand how much damage termites can do, so we’re here to help you quickly and effectively whenever you need us. With the latest tools and innovative pest control techniques, we ensure your place is free from termites, keeping your buildings safe and robust. Choose SM Pest Control Services, Dhaka’s top pick for termite control, and enjoy a bug-free space. We promise excellent service, complete bug removal, and total satisfaction.
মশা দমন সার্ভিস Mosquito Control Dhaka

Mosquitoes Control service in Dhaka

SM Pest Control Services is your trusted partner for mosquito control in Dhaka. Our experienced team utilizes safe, innovative solutions to free your property from these annoying and harmful insects. We comprehend the discomfort and health risks mosquitoes pose, so we’re committed to providing prompt and effective services whenever you require them. Leveraging the latest tools and dependable pest control methods, we assure a mosquito-free environment, promoting a healthier and more comfortable living or working space. Choose SM Pest Control Services, the top name for mosquito control in Dhaka, and enjoy a pest-free zone. We guarantee exceptional service, complete insect eradication, and your utmost satisfaction. With SM Pest Control Services, you can rest easy knowing your property is protected from mosquito threats.
ছারপোকা দমন সার্ভিস ঢাকা Bedbugs Control Dhaka

Bedbugs Control service in Dhaka

Look no further than SM Pest Control Services for trustworthy bedbug control in Dhaka. Our professional team utilizes safe and effective techniques to eradicate these sleep-disrupting pests from your living spaces. We understand the irritation bedbugs can cause, so we are committed to delivering quick and successful solutions whenever needed. Using the most advanced tools and proven pest control strategies, we provide a bedbug-free environment, promoting a peaceful night’s sleep. As the preferred choice for bedbug pest control in Dhaka, SM Pest Control Services ensures an undisturbed, pest-free habitat. Opt for our comprehensive service, complete pest removal, and ultimate customer satisfaction. With SM Pest Control Services, rest assured your comfort is our priority.
ফিউমিগেশন সার্ভিস Fumigation Services Dhaka

Fumigation Control service in Dhaka

If you seek professional fumigation services in Dhaka, SM Pest Control Services is your best bet. Our expert team uses safe, efficient procedures. We acknowledge the nuisance that pests can bring. Hence we’re dedicated to delivering swift and successful fumigation services when you need them most. Utilizing the latest equipment and tried-and-true pest control methods, we ensure an environment free of pests, enhancing your comfort and safety. As Dhaka’s leading fumigation services provider, SM Pest Control Services promises you a peaceful, pest-free living or working space. Choose us for our top-notch service, total pest eradication, and your ultimate satisfaction. With SM Pest Control Services, you can trust that your area is safe.
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Why SM Pest Control Dhaka Is The Best Pest Control Services Provider Company In Bangladesh?

Determining the best pest control company can be subjective, as it often depends on specific service needs and experiences. However, there are numerous reasons why “SM Pest Control Dhaka” is often regarded as a leading choice in the industry.

For starters, SM Pest Control Dhaka brings extensive experience to the table. Having handled a variety of pest issues across diverse environments, they are well-equipped to tackle any pest problem. Their vast knowledge base allows them to identify and manage infestations effectively, making them experts in their field. Moreover, SM Pest Control Dhaka stands out due to its commitment to environmentally friendly practices. They prioritize the use of safe and eco-friendly pest control solutions, ensuring their services do not harm the environment or pose risks to human health. This concern for safety and sustainability adds another feather to their cap.

Another standout aspect of SM Pest Control Dhaka is its customer-centric approach. They place great emphasis on customer satisfaction, providing reliable, prompt, and professional services. They listen to their clients’ concerns, provide insightful advice, and tailor their services to meet each customer’s unique needs. This personalized approach underscores their commitment to excellence.

In addition, their services are competitively priced, offering good value for money. They provide comprehensive pest control solutions without hidden charges, ensuring transparency in their dealings. Lastly, SM Pest Control Dhaka offers guarantees for their services, instilling confidence in their clients. They stand by the quality of their work and are prepared to follow up on their services if the need arises.

Why Choose Sm Pest Control Service For Professional Pest Control Services Bd?

Trained Professionals: Choosing SM Pest Control Service Provider in Bangladesh guarantees that you are receiving service from highly trained professionals. Their team is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to address various pest-related issues. They continuously undergo training and skill enhancement programs to stay abreast of the latest industry developments. This ensures that they can provide the best service to their customers, whether it’s identifying the nature of the pest infestation or executing effective eradication strategies.

Latest Chemicals and Strategies: SM Pest Control uses the latest, safe, and eco-friendly chemicals in its pest control operations. Their commitment to staying updated with industry innovations is a testament to their quality service. They employ advanced strategies that maximize effectiveness while minimizing harm to the environment and non-target organisms. This balance between efficiency and safety underscores their ethical approach to pest control.

Quick Response and Service: SM Pest Control is renowned for its prompt response and quick service delivery. Whether it’s an emergency service request or a routine pest management operation, they prioritize swift action. Their team understands that time is of the essence in pest control, and thus, ensures rapid response and timely execution of their services. This commitment minimizes inconvenience to customers and helps mitigate any potential damage caused by pest infestations.

All Staff Have National Qualification: Another compelling reason to choose SM Pest Control is that all their staff hold national qualifications. This means that their team is not just trained, but also recognized by national bodies for their competence in pest management. It gives customers added assurance about the quality of service they can expect, as it validates the team’s skills and professionalism.

Over 5000 Experiences: With over 5000 experiences under their belt, SM Pest Control brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to their services. Each experience has honed their skills, enabling them to handle a diverse range of pest issues with confidence and efficiency. It’s this extensive experience that allows them to deliver high-quality services consistently, making them a trusted choice for pest control in Bangladesh

Why Pest Control Services In Bangladesh Is Important?

Pest control service is important to get rid of pests permanently. Without professional care, it’s nearly impossible to remove pests. As we have a professional team and we serve many industries, we have the experience to remove pests permanently. It will be beneficial from both of economical and health perspectives. We have the experience to remove pests from Multi-Unit Apartment, Hotel, Hospital, Health Care, Education, Office Property Management, Factory, and Restaurant.

Our Valued Customers

Pest Control Services In Dhaka | pest control services| pest control dhaka | pest control in bangladesh| pest control service in bangladesh | pest control bd

About SM Pest Control Services in Dhaka

Pest control services in Dhaka. Because of the city’s weather and large population, there can be many bugs and rodents. These pests can cause problems for people and businesses. Pest control in Dhaka help solve this problem. They have people who are trained to find and get rid of pests. They use special tools and safe sprays to do this job.

SM Pest Control Dhaka can help in many places. They can work in tiny houses or significant office buildings. Some companies can even help eliminate specific bugs like cockroaches, termites, or bed bugs. These services are also available near Dhaka, such as Uttara and Dhanmondi.

The best pest control in Dhaka is those that do their job quickly and satisfactorily. They make sure their customers are happy. They don’t just get rid of pests. They also help stop problems from coming back. They teach people how to prevent pests from entering their homes or offices. This helps make Dhaka a cleaner and safer place to live and work.

What to Ask Before Hiring a Pest Control Company in Dhaka?

Firstly, it’s essential to ask about their experience and qualifications. Understanding how long they’ve been in the business and the kind of training their technicians have undergone will give you an idea of their expertise and reliability.

Secondly, inquire about their pest control methods and practices. You’ll want to know whether they use environmentally friendly and safe pesticides, especially if you have children, pets, or people with allergies at home. Additionally, ask about the effectiveness of their treatments. Can they handle different types of pests? How many sessions might be needed for complete eradication?

Next, ask about their pricing structure and any additional costs. It’s crucial to understand what you’re paying for to avoid unexpected expenses later. Some companies offer a comprehensive package, while others might charge separately for additional services.

Additionally, it’s also wise to ask if they provide a guarantee for their service. A reliable pest control company should stand by their work and offer some form of guarantee. If the pests return soon after treatment, will they offer a complimentary re-treatment or a refund?

SM Pest Control Dhaka Blogs

মশা – এর চৌদ্দগুষ্টি | All About Mosquito

মশা – এর চৌদ্দগুষ্টি | All About Mosquito

মশা – চিরকালীন বিরক্তিকর একটি নাম, যা শোনার সাথে সাথেই মাথায় আসে কানের কাছে ভনভন করা আর ত্বকের জ্বালাযুক্ত কামড়। কিন্তু, আপনি কি জানেন, মশা শুধু বিরক্তিকরই নয়, এর মাধ্যমে প্রচুর বিপজ্জনক রোগও ছড়াতে পারে? গত দুই যুগের মধ্যে ২০২৩ সালে ছিল ডেঙ্গুর ভয়াবহ প্রকোপ।...

তেলাপোকা কেন হয়?

তেলাপোকা কেন হয়?

তেলাপোকা, আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনের একটি খুবই পরিচিত ও অসহনীয় সমস্যা। বিশেষ করে ঘরবাড়ি, অফিস, দোকানপাট, রেস্টুরেন্ট ইত্যাদি জায়গায় এই পোকাটি খুবই প্রচলিত। আমাদের অজান্তেই আমাদের কিছু ভুলের কারণে আমাদের ঘরবাড়ি তে তেলাপোকার ব্যপক উপদ্রব হয়। এগুলো নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতেও জানা উচিত...

ফ্রিজ থেকে তেলাপোকা দূর করার উপায়

ফ্রিজ থেকে তেলাপোকা দূর করার উপায়

ফ্রিজ হলো এমন একটি স্থান যেখানে আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনের খাবার সংরক্ষণ করা হয়। কিন্তু যদি এই ফ্রিজে তেলাপোকা ঢুকে যায়, তা হলে তা হয়ে ওঠে বিশাল একটি সমস্যা। তেলাপোকা শুধু নোংরা ও জঘন্য না, তা স্বাস্থ্যহানিকরও বটে। ফ্রিজে তেলাপোকার সমস্যা খুবই বিরক্তিকর এবং...

Call US Now: +8801873401771

Why Dhaka Pest Control Services is Important

Dhaka Pest control services are necessary in Bangladesh to protect against rodents, cockroaches, ants and other pests that can cause disease and property damage. By eliminating these pests, homeowners, business owners and the general population can help minimize the spread of illnesses, reduce their risk of injury due to falls caused by rodents or insects in their homes, and prevent costly repairs and replacements from pest-inflicted damage. Professional exterminators have expertise in safely removing pests from any type of structure and providing preventive measures to ensure they do not return.

How much is a pest control service in Dhaka?

There are various pest control service providers available in Dhaka, offering different levels of service, ranging from basic to comprehensive services. Prices will vary depending on the level of service and the type of property that needs to be serviced. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from 1,199 TAKA for a basic service up to 5,000 TAKA for more comprehensive services. It is important to shop around and get quotes before selecting a provider so that you can ensure you get the best value for your money.

Which company is the best for pest control in Dhaka?

At SM Dhaka Pest Control, we believe in providing services tailored to your needs. This means our technicians work carefully to eliminate existing bothersome pests while taking steps to prevent infestations from recurring. We offer both residential and commercial pest control and understand that each property is unique. We take the time to assess your individual needs before customizing a treatment plan specific to your property and its environment. Once completed, our technicians identify even more ways to keep your property free of future pests.

A Trusted Family Owned Pest Control Company 

We are proud to provide pest control solutions to Dhaka, Shylet and Chittagong and will continue to do so for years to come. We strive to keep the homes, offices and buildings within our community safe from pests using only the best techniques & eco-friendly products. We know that customers can never be too careful when it comes to safeguarding their properties, which is why we guarantee our work every time. We have over 8 years of experience and always ensure that our customer service is second-to-none.

SM Pest Control Cover All Industry

House Pest Control Service Dhaka

If you’re a homeowner in Dhaka, you know that pests can be a real problem. From ants and roaches to mice and rats, these critters can not only damage your property, but also pose a health risk to you and your family. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable pest control keep your home free of these unwanted guests. Our house pest control in Dhaka is here to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is protected from pests. We use the latest techniques and products to quickly and effectively eliminate pests, and we offer ongoing service to ensure they stay gone. Trust us to keep your home safe and comfortable for you and your family.

Restaurant Pest Control Service Dhaka

As a restaurant owner in Dhaka, you know that maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial to the success of your business. Pests like cockroaches, flies, and mice can not only damage your reputation but also pose a health risk to your customers. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable pest control keep your restaurant free of these unwanted guests. Our restaurant pest control service in Dhaka is here to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your restaurant is protected from pests. We understand that every restaurant is different, and we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your establishment.

Hospital Pest Control Services Dhaka

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is of the utmost importance in a hospital setting. Pests such as cockroaches, ants, and rodents can not only damage the facility but also pose a significant health risk to patients and staff. That’s why it’s crucial to have a reliable pest control service to keep your hospital free of these unwanted guests. Our hospital pest control provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your hospital is protected from pests. We understand the unique needs and challenges of a hospital environment and we use the latest techniques and products to quickly and effectively eliminate pests, while minimizing disruption to the daily operations of the hospital. We also offer ongoing service to ensure pests stay away for the long-term. Trust us to keep your hospital safe and hygienic for all.

Factory Pest Control Service Dhaka

As a factory owner or manager in Dhaka, you understand that pests can cause serious problems for your business. From damaging equipment and products, to creating unsanitary conditions for employees, pests can have a significant impact on your bottom line. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable pest control service to keep your factory free of these unwanted guests. Our factory pest control service in Dhaka is here to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your factory is protected from pests. We understand the unique needs of industrial facilities and we use the latest techniques and products to quickly and effectively eliminate pests, while minimizing disruption to your operations. We also offer ongoing service to ensure pests stay away for the long-term.

Call US Now: +8801873401771

Pest control service Company in Dhaka Bangladesh

SM Pest Control is a well-known pest control company in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They are known for their hard-working and qualified team. Their employees have the right training and they know a lot about how to handle different types of pests.

This company is also quick to respond when you call them. They know that pests can cause problems fast, so they make sure to get to you as soon as they can. They work fast too, but they always do a good job.

SM Pest Control can handle all kinds of pests. They know how to deal with everything from small bugs in your home to larger problems in big buildings. They use safe chemicals that won’t harm the environment. This makes them a good choice for people who care about the Earth.

What makes SM Pest Control special is how they treat their customers. They take the time to listen to what you need and then they make a plan to solve your pest problem. They have a lot of experience, with over 5000 jobs done. So they know how to handle any pest issue you might have.

In simple words, SM Pest Control is a good choice if you need pest control services in Dhaka. They have a skilled team, they respond quickly, and they really care about their customers and the environment.

Why SM pest control Service Is Eco Friendly

SM Pest Control Service is well-known for being friendly to the environment. They care a lot about not harming nature while getting rid of pests.

First, they use safe chemicals. These chemicals do their job by getting rid of pests but they don’t harm the rest of the environment. They don’t leave a lot of leftover chemicals that could hurt nature.

Second, they use a smart way to control pests called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This method is about understanding pests and using the best ways to control them. They only use chemicals if they really have to. This method is good for the environment because it doesn’t rely heavily on chemicals.

Third, SM Pest Control trains its staff to be eco-friendly. They learn how to use chemicals in a way that is careful and doesn’t harm the environment. They also learn how to manage pests using methods that don’t harm nature.

Finally, SM Pest Control is careful about how they get rid of waste. They make sure to throw away leftover chemicals and other waste in a way that is safe for the environment.

In short, SM Pest Control Service works hard to protect nature. They use safe chemicals, smart methods, train their staff well, and handle waste carefully. This is why they are a good choice if you care about the environment and need help with pests.

Call US Now: +8801873401771

Why do you choose SM Pest Control for pest control services?

At SM Pest Control, we are your trusted partner in eliminating pests and ensuring a pest-free environment for your home or business. With years of experience and a team of highly trained professionals, we stand out for several reasons. Firstly, our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. We understand the stress and inconvenience that pests can cause, which is why we respond promptly and efficiently to every service request. Secondly, we employ the most advanced and eco-friendly techniques to eradicate pests, ensuring the safety of your loved ones and the environment. Lastly, our competitive pricing and transparent approach make us the go-to choice for effective and affordable pest control services. Trust SM Pest Control to deliver exceptional results and restore peace of mind in your surroundings.


What are the Advantages Of Hiring SM Pest Control Company Dhaka?

There are several advantages to hiring SM Pest Control Company in Dhaka. Firstly, our experienced team has the knowledge and expertise to effectively deal with pest problems. We understand the behaviors and habits of pests, allowing us to implement targeted solutions. Secondly, we use safe and environmentally friendly methods to eliminate pests, ensuring the well-being of your family or business. Our efficient services save you time and effort, as we handle all aspects of pest control.  Our efficient Pest Control in Bangladesh saves you time and effort, as we handle all aspects of pest removal. Additionally, our affordable prices and transparent approach make us a cost-effective choice. With SM Pest Control Company, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your pest issues are being taken care of professionally and efficiently. That’s why we have gained so much popularity as the leading Pest Control Company in Bangladesh.


What are the things to expect from SM Pest Control Company Dhaka?

When you choose SM Pest Control Company in Dhaka, you can expect a lot of great things. Firstly, our team of experts will provide effective pest control services that are tailored to your needs. We will carefully inspect your place to find out what’s causing the pest problem and create a treatment plan just for you. We use modern equipment and methods that are safe for you and the environment. Plus, we respond quickly and work efficiently, so you can get back to your normal routine as soon as possible. Our prices are fair and transparent, and we always make sure our customers are satisfied. Trust SM Pest Control Company to get rid of pests and keep your home or business pest-free. Therefore, you can consider us as the best pest control company in Dhaka.


What are the Different kinds of pest control services we Provide?

We offer a variety of pest control services to address different types of pest infestations. Our team at SM Pest Control is equipped to handle common pests such as cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, rodents, and termites. For cockroach and ant control, we employ effective treatments to eliminate these pests from your premises. We also specialise in mosquito control, employing methods to reduce their population and minimise the risk of diseases they carry. When it comes to rodents, we provide trapping and exclusion techniques to safely remove them from your property. Additionally, our termite control services focus on preventing structural damage caused by termites. With our comprehensive range of pest control services, we ensure a pest-free environment for your home or business.


Benefits Of taking Pest Control Service from SM Pest Control Company?

Choosing SM Pest Control Service comes with numerous benefits. Firstly, our professional team has the expertise and knowledge to effectively deal with a wide range of pests, ensuring their thorough elimination. Secondly, we utilise safe and environmentally friendly methods to protect your health and the ecosystem. Our services are designed to provide long-lasting results, preventing future infestations. Additionally, we offer convenience and peace of mind by handling all aspects of pest control, saving you time and effort. With our competitive pricing and transparent approach, you can enjoy affordable and reliable pest control services.


About Pest Control Services in Dhaka By SM Pest Control

Pest infestation is a common problem in Dhaka city. Pests like Cockroach, rodent, fly, termites, misquote, and bed bugs are some of the pests that create severe problem. If you apply regular methods to get rid of the pests, they are going to come back after a short while. SM Pest Control can assist you to get rid of those pest related problems effectively. We are Government Approved Licensed Pest Control Service Provider in Bangladesh. Our team members will remove all types of pests from  your living space for a longer period.

Pest Control Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Do I Book Pest Control Services?

Answer: You can book our services over the phone please call to this number now. or fill out the contact form

How much time does pest control service?

The time required for pest control service depends on the extent of the infestation and the size of the area being treated. Generally, pest control services can be completed within a few hours to a day, ensuring effective treatment and minimising disruption to your daily routine.

What are pest control services?

Pest control services are the process of controlling different types of pests such as cockroaches, rodents, ants, mice, flies, bed bugs, termites, and mosquitoes

Is pest control good for home?

Surely, pest control services are good for homes and offices. It will keep your living and work space free from pests

Who is the best pest control?

According to many, SM Pest Control is the best pest control service provider company in Bangladesh. They assist you to get rid of any pests.

Which pest control method is best?

Physical and biological control methods are best from the environmental health perspective. Using toxic chemicals could be harmful to both humans and the environment.

Who are the largest pest control companies?

Considering recent growth, SM Pest Control is one of the largest pest control companies in Bangladesh

Is pest control successful?

If you try pest control services by SM Pest Control BD, they are most likely to make your pest control vision Successful

What is the best insect killer company?

SM Pest Control is well-renowned and accomplished as the best insect killer company in Bangladesh.

Which pest is the most difficult to control?

Termites, Bedbugs, and Cockroaches are the most difficult pests to control. But SM Pest Control BD knows well how to deal with the most difficult pests.

Who is the fastest-growing pest control company?

Considering recent statistics and growth factors, SM Pest Control BD is one of the fastest-growing pest control companies in Bangladesh.

Is it important to opt for prevention pest control service?

Yes, opting for prevention pest control service is important as it helps to proactively address potential pest issues before they become major problems, saving you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Would you be using kids or human friendly pest control solutions?

Yes, we prioritise the use of kids and human-friendly pest control solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of your family and occupants. Our methods and products are carefully selected to minimise any potential risks to humans and pets while effectively eliminating pests.

What types of pest control services do we offer?

We offer a wide range of pest control services to address various pest infestations, including treatments for common pests like cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, rodents, and termites. Our expert team is equipped to handle these different types of pests efficiently and effectively.

Why do I need to leave during and after pest control service?

It is recommended to leave during and after pest control service to ensure your safety and minimise exposure to any chemicals or treatments being used. This precautionary measure helps to protect your health and allows the pest control professionals to work efficiently without any interference.

How much is a pest control service?

Pest control service in Bangladesh costs around 1000 BDT to 10,000 BDT. The actual price depends on the types of pests to remove and the size of the apartment.

If Pest appears After Pest Control Service?

If pests reappear after a pest control service, it could indicate that the infestation was not fully eliminated or new pests have entered the premises. It is recommended to contact the pest control service provider for a follow-up inspection and treatment to address any remaining or new pest issues.

Table of Contents

Pest Control Services in Dhaka City    

Pest Control Services in Dhaka – Jhigatola, Asadgate, Aftabnagor, Agargaon, Azimpur, Azompur, Airport, Arambagh, Chawkbazar, Collage Gate, DOHS, Dakshinkhan, Darus Salam, Dholaikhal, Dia Bari, Dholaipar, Demra, Dhanmondi, Elephant road, Farmgate, Fulbari, Gabtoli, Gopibag, Goran, Green Road, Jatrabari, Kadamtali, Kafrul, Kalabagan, Kathal Bagan, Katabon, Kamrangirchar, Khilgaon, Kachukhet, Khilkhet, Kallyanpur, Kawran Bazar, Kotwali, Kamlapur, Kakrail, Lalmatia, Adabar, Gendaria, Gulshan, Gulistan, Hatirpool, Hatirjheel, Hazaribagh, Ibrahimpur, Lalbagh, Laxmibazar, Mirpur, Mohammadpur, >Mohakhali, Mohakhali DOHS, Moghbazar, Malibag, Meradiya, Madartek, Motijheel, Mogbazar, Mirpur DOHS, Mirpur 60 Feet, Bashundhara, Bijoy Shoroni, Banani, Banani DOHS, Bangshal, Bashabo, Cantonment, Chankharpool, Mouchak, Mugda, New Market, Nikunjo, Nakhalpara, Nawabganj, Nazira Bazaar, Niketon, Norda, Old Town (Dhaka), Pallabi, Paltan, Panthapath, Puran Dhaka,  Azimpur BDR 2No Gate, Abdullahpur, Badda, Bangshal, Bashundhara R/A, Biman Bandar, Bijoy Soroni, Banasree,  Bokshi Bazar, Bosila, Bangla Motor, Baridhara, Baridhara DOHS, Progati Sharani, Ramna, Rampura, Rayerbazar, Sabujbagh, Shyamoli, Shishumela, Shah Ali, Sadarghat, Shahbagh, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Shyampur, Sutrapur, Syedabad, Shonir Akhra, Tejgaon, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Turag, Uttara, Uttar Khan, Lalbagh, Mirpur & All over Bangladesh.


Pest Control Services in Chittagong

Pest Control Services in Chittagong– Double Mooring,Kotwali, Pahartali, Halishahar, Panchlaish, Bakalia, 4 No. Chandgaon Ward, Chattogram.Khulshi Residential Area, Bandar, 

Pest Control Services in Bangladesh

Pest Control in Dhaka, Khulna, Chattogram, Barisal, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet Gazipur,  Savar, Narayangonj,

SM Pest Control Service Area in Bangladesh

Pest Control Service in Abdullahpur

Pest Control Service in Agargaon

Pest Control Service in Badda

Pest Control Service in Banani

Pest Control Service in Banasree

Pest Control Service in Baridhara

Pest Control Service in Bashundhara

Pest Control Service in Bawnia

Pest Control Service in Beraid

Pest Control Service in Cantonment Area

Pest Control Service in Dakshinkhan

Pest Control Service in Dania

Pest Control Service in Demra

Pest Control Service in Dhanmondi

Pest Control Service in Farmgate

Pest Control Service in Gulshan

Pest Control Service in Hazaribagh

Pest Control Service in Islampur

Pest Control Service in Jurain

Pest Control Service in Kafrul

Pest Control Service in Kamalapur

Pest Control Service in Kamrangirchar

Pest Control Service in Kazipara

Pest Control Service in Khilgaon

Pest Control Service in Khilkhet

Pest Control Service in Kotwali

Pest Control Service in Lalbagh

Pest Control Service in Matuail

Pest Control Service in Mirpur

Pest Control Service in Mohammadpur

Pest Control Service in Nimtoli

Pest Control Service in Gabtali

Pest Control Service in Gazipur

Pest Control Service in Pallabi

Pest Control Service in Paltan

Pest Control Service in Ramna

Pest Control Service in Rampura

Pest Control Service in Sabujbagh

Pest Control Service in Sadarghat

Pest Control Service in Satarkul

Pest Control Service in Shahbagh

Pest Control Service in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar

Pest Control Service in Shyampur

Pest Control Service in Sutrapur

Pest Control Service in Tejgaon

Pest Control Service in Uttara

Pest Control Service in Uttarkhan

Pest Control Service in Wari

Pest Control Dhaka

Pest Control Company in Dhaka

Pest Control Bangladesh

Pest Control BD